Federal Rules of Evidence


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Cahaba Publications is proud to present this affordable paperback edition of the Federal Rules of Evidence (2023 Edition). All of Cahaba Publications’ books feature the plain text of the Rules/Statutes themselves, simply and beautifully displayed, without unneeded history lesson, amendment, gloss, or comment. Lawyers, students, and judges trust our Cahaba Publications’ Concise Legal Series for quick references that they can use at their desks, classrooms, and courts.

Compare to Lexis’ “Federal Rules of Court” $82.00

Current through December 1, 2022


  • Full text of Federal Rules of Evidence (Fed. R. Evid. 101 et seq. (Consol. 2022))
  • Article 1: General Provisions
  • Article 2: Judicial Notice
  • Article 3: Presumptions in Civil Cases
  • Article 4: Relevance and its Limits
  • Article 5: Privileges
  • Article 6: Witnesses
  • Article 7: Opinions and Expert Testimony
  • Article 8: Hearsay
  • Article 9: Authentication and Identification
  • Article 10: Contents of Writings, Recordings, and Photographs
  • Article 11: Miscellaneous Rules